About Julia

Julia Jarrett has a passion for writing sexy, sweet, contemporary romance novels that are full of relatable heroines, and the swoon-worthy men who fall in love with them.

Julia is a busy mother of two boys, a happy wife to her real-life book boyfriend, and the owner of two rescue dogs. If you’re looking for her, she’s probably sitting in a comfy chair somewhere, drinking tea and dreaming of a sunny vacation.

  • "Let me just start by saying how much I genuinely adore Julia’s writing. No seriously I can honestly say there has never been a book or series of hers I’ve read that I have not absolutely loved."

  • "Julia Jarrett's writing is brilliant. She makes these people real without us seeing how she does it."

  • "This is my first Julia Jarrett book, but after finishing, instantly downloaded her others. I absolutely ate this book up!"